Project 2024-104 Selective Window Replacement Repairs

IFB#22-005 Rafting Creek Grading Project

IFB#22-003 Demolition of Portable Units

IFB#20-018 Pocalla HVAC Pre-Bid Sign In

IFB #20-011 Bates Fire Alarm

RFQ#20-009 Energy Savings Performance Contracting

IFB# 19-026 Millwood Ceiling Project

IFB# 19-026 Millwood Ceiling Upgrade

IFB 19-011 Career Center HVAC

#19-011 Career and Technology Center HVAC Project

IFB #19-012 Crosswell Painting

19-007 SHS Auditorium Chiller Replacement 

#19-008 SHS Lighting 

 IFB #19-008 SHS Auditorium Lighting

FB #19-007 SHS Auditorium Chiller

IFB #18-007 Retrofit Lighting Project

IFB # 18-001 SHS Piers, Bridges and Walkways Project