Cancellation Notice for IFB#24-015 Classroom Management Software

Cancellation Notice for IFB#24-011

Cancellation of Award IFB#24-008 Serving Lines for Millwood and Shaw Heights

Cancellation Notice for RFP# 24-005

Cancellation Notice of IFB#24-001

Cancellation Notice of IFB#24-00

Cancellation Notice for BVB#23-009 Auctioneer Services

Cancellation Notice RFP# 23-003 Furman Painting

Cancellation Notice for RFP#22-001 Organizational Analysis, Job
Classification and Salary Study

RFP# 22-011 Latex Printer and Plotter

RFP#22-013 (Marquees)

Cancellation Notice for IFB#22-006 Security Doors

IFB#22-006 Security Door Project Extension Notice

IFB#21-025 Rafting Creek Drainage Improvements

RFP#21-016 Pest Control Services


Surplus#20-012 Surplus Auction Sale

Cancellation of Award for IFB#20-015 Floor Finish Products

Cancellation Notice for RFP# 20-002 for Architectural Services

Cancellation Notice IFB#19-030 Replacement HVAC Units

Cancellation Notice Solicitation #19-027 

Cancellation Notice Solicitation #19-023

Cancellation Notice IFB#19-005 Parking Lot Project

Cancellation Notice IFB #19-021 Bates Middle School Fire Alarm Project

Cancellation Notice IFB# 19-012

Cancellation Notice IFB 19-005 

Cancellation Notice IFB# 19-003

Cancellation Notice IFB# 19-002

Cancellation Notice IFB #18-015 Band Equipment

Cancellation Notice IFB #18-014

Cancellation Notice IFB #18-006 HVAC Project for Crestwood and Lakewood High Schools

Cancellation Notice 2018-001

Cancellation Notice for IFB #18-002