IFB#24-017 Kingsbury Parking Lot Project

IFB#24-018 Go Guardian Classroom Mangement

IFB# 24-015 Mayewood Concessions

IFB#24-014 Crestwood Athletic Fields Project

RFP# 24-002 Crestwood Fields

2023-29 SSD Alice Dr. Elem, Cherryvale & High Hills Roofing

IFB #2024-010 Cafeteria Equipment Repairs

Intent to Award IFB#24-008 Serving Lines for Millwood and Shaw Heights

FPB#24-006 Districtwide Flooring

IFB#24-003 Reach-In Coolers/Freezers

IFB#23-007 Floor Finish Products

IFB# 23-008 IT Drive Capacity/Storage

RFQ#23-005 Furman Painting 

IFB #22-016 Security Door Project 

RFQ#22-014 Latex Printer and Plotter

IFB#22-007 High Hills Serving Line 

IFB#22-006 Security Door Project

IFB#22-005 Rafting Creek Grading Project

IFB#22-003 Demolition of Portable Units

IFB#21-024 Fire and Safety Services

IFB#21-026 Shaw Heights ADA Ramp

RFQ# 21-022 R.E. Davis Walkway Canopy

RFQ#21-023 Sale of Surplus Portables

RPQ#21-021 Headsets

IFB#21-018 Bates Sewer Project 

IFB#21-019 Floor Finish Products

RFQ# 21-015 Truckload Copy Paper

IFB# 21-012 Colorpoint Serving Lines 

IFB#21-011 Hobart Dishwasher for Shaw Heights

RFQ#21-010 Drivable Scissor Lift

IFB#21-001 SASI Renovations

Bid Tabulation IFB #21-007 

RFQ#21-006 TI_84 Graphing Calculators

RFQ#20-022 Widow Glass for Crestwood

RFQ# 20-021 Kilns

IFB#20-018 Pocalla HVAC Project

RFQ#20-016 Floor Finish

IFB#20-015  Floor Finish Products

IFB #20-011 Bates Fire Alarm 

RFQ# 20-014 HVAC Units for Manchester

RFQ#20-008 ID Imaging System

IFB#20-008 Tennant Ride On Scrubber 

RFQ# 20-004 Latex Printer and Plotter

RFQ# 20-005 SHS Baseball Infield Reconstruction

IFB# 19-029 Replacement HVAC Filters

IFB #19-026 Fresh Bread Products 

IFB #19-019 Perishable Milk Products 

RFQ #19-028 Graphing Calculators

IFB# 19-026 Millwood Ceiling Project

IFB# 19-027 Bates Fire Alarm System Upgrade

IFB#19-018 Truckload Copy Paper

IFB #19-020 Floor Finish Products

IFB#19-016  Picnic Shelters

IFB #19-017 SHS Stadium Painting

IFB 19-011 Career Center HVAC

IFB #19-012 Crosswell Painting

IFB# 19-013 Tennant Scrubbers

19-007 SHS Auditorium Chiller Replacement

#19-008 SHS Lighting 

RFQ 19-010

IFB #19-006 Willow Roofing

IFB #19-006 Wilder Roofing

IFB #19-006 Oakland Roofing

IFB #19-006 DO Roofing

RFQ #1819-001 FS Small Wares 

RFP 2018-010 On-line Agenda Management Software and Support

RFQ# 1718-007 Line Striping Equipment

RFP # 2018-003 Auditing Services

IFB #18-013 Culinary Arts Equipment

IFB #18-012 Daktronics

IFB #18-011 Floor Finish (Wax)

 IFB #18-011 Floor Finish (Stripper)

IFB #18-009 Welding Equipment for Career Center

IFB#18-008 HVAC Project for Lakewood and Crestwood

IFB 18-006 Retrofit Lighting

ITB# 2018-002 Quote Tabulation 

IFB 18-0001 SHS Piers, Bridges and Walkways Repair